Slow Network Issues

UK Specialist in Design and Print

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  • Challenge
    • Two office locations remotely connected but all data was hosted in a single location causing remote access difficulties for business users
    • Productivity impacted due to delayed access to company data
  • Journey
    • Designed a network architecture to meet business requirements
    • Upgraded networking infrastructure to enhance security standards and increase speeds
    • Enhanced bandwidith for business requirements by collaborating with telecoms vendor to deliver high speed internet
    • Implemented SaaS solutions for increased communication and collaboration between offices and locations
  • Outcome
    • Enhanced business productivity through improved and stable remote access connectivity - fast 24/7 access to data and applications
    • Secure and monitored access to data within the company

Technologies we work with...

Astec IT Astec IT - Ultimate service through advances in technology 02038026525 [email protected]