Microsoft Launches New AI Content Safety Service

Microsoft has announced the launch of Azure AI Content Safety, a new content moderation service that uses AI to detect and filter out offensive, harmful, or inappropriate user and AI-generated text or image content.  What Kind of Harmful Content?  The type of content Microsoft’s developed Azure AI Content Safety to filter out includes anything that’s […]

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Safety Considerations Around ChatGPT Image Uploads

With one of ChatGPT’s latest features being the ability to upload images to help get answers to queries, here we look at why there have been security concerns about releasing the feature.  Update To ChatGPT  The new ‘Image input’ which will soon be generally available to Plus users on all platforms, has just been announced […]

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No Email Backup For Microsoft 365?

In this insight, we look at what many users think to be a surprising fact in that Microsoft 365 doesn’t provide a traditional email backup solution, and we look at what businesses can do about this.  Did You Know?….  Contrary to popular belief, Microsoft 365 (previously known as Office 365) is not designed as a traditional […]

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Zoom Data Concerns

In this article, we look at why Zoom found itself as the subject of a backlash over an online update to its terms related to AI, what its response has been, plus what this says about how businesses feel about AI. What Happened? Communications app Zoom updated its terms of service in March but following […]

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Top Technologies to support Working from Home

The growth of COVID-19 is motivating an increasing number of companies to allow workers to work from home. Have they, however, equipped their workforce to do so? Modern businesses are jam-packed with technology and infrastructure that allows people to work, yet most households lack even a portion of such assistance. The global economy is changing, […]

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Everything you need to know about: Microsoft Azure

What is Microsoft Azure? Azure was created in 2010 by Microsoft to provide cloud services where users could build, test, deploy, and manage their applications on data centers of Microsoft. These data centers have been spread across 54 global regions. Microsoft offers various services across multiple domains such as Compute, Database, Content Delivery, Networking and […]

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Physical Security | How Physical Security Can Help Mitigate a Data Breach

Having physical security in place can be crucial when wanting to mitigate the risk of a potential data breach. Sometimes something as small as a USB stick can be worth its weight in gold. USB sticks or flash drives are perfect for portable storage and with some able to carry over 256GB of data, they […]

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Working From Home | Remote Working in a Connected World

Working from home is a blessing in normal circumstances – waking up later, eating a good breakfast every morning, no daily commute to and from the office – the benefits are numerous. But the practicalities of working from home are far from straight-forward. The recent lockdown has meant that all those that can work from […]

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5G – It’s here! | Is your business ready for a sea-level change?

5G technology will be the next innovation to have an impact on businesses throughout the world. There’s been a great deal of press about the potential benefits. This has to some extent been tempered with all the negative posts and blogs about health risks. Here we will focus on the benefits to business, and why […]

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