Working From Home | Remote Working in a Connected World

Working from home is a blessing in normal circumstances – waking up later, eating a good breakfast every morning, no daily commute to and from the office – the benefits are numerous. But the practicalities of working from home are far from straight-forward. The recent lockdown has meant that all those that can work from […]

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5G – It’s here! | Is your business ready for a sea-level change?

5G technology will be the next innovation to have an impact on businesses throughout the world. There’s been a great deal of press about the potential benefits. This has to some extent been tempered with all the negative posts and blogs about health risks. Here we will focus on the benefits to business, and why […]

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Zoom Conferencing | Zoom Online Video Calls – friend or foe?

It would have been impossible for Zoom to have anticipated the immense rise in use of their video platform at the beginning of the year. They experienced a December period last year where 10M users made use of their platform, and even that is inflated by some seasonal use in the run up to Christmas […]

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