IT Set-Up | How to Set Up a Long-Term Work-From-Home “Office”

What Is The Ideal IT Set-Up? Since the pandemic has led to worldwide shut-downs and many companies have asked their employees to work from home either temporarily or long-term, the right work-from-home IT set-up has become more important than ever. Below you will find everything you need to know to make your new home workspace […]

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Astec IT | We have been granted the latest ISO Accreditation

Astec IT founder Addy Desai has been busy the last few weeks completing Astec IT’s documentation for the latest ISO 27001 accreditation. Astec IT has now been granted this important industry accreditation and it will help us to develop further as a company. ISO 27001 is important to Astec IT for numerous reasons. The accreditation […]

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Astec IT Astec IT - Ultimate service through advances in technology 02038026525 [email protected]