Safety Considerations Around ChatGPT Image Uploads

With one of ChatGPT’s latest features being the ability to upload images to help get answers to queries, here we look at why there have been security concerns about releasing the feature.  Update To ChatGPT  The new ‘Image input’ which will soon be generally available to Plus users on all platforms, has just been announced […]

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Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape: A Guide for Insurance Companies

Introduction The insurance sector is built on the foundation of trust and the secure handling of sensitive data. However, the increasing frequency of cyberattacks poses a significant threat to these foundations. In this blog, Astec aims to identify the critical cybersecurity pain points specific to insurance companies and offer actionable solutions. Data Privacy and Protection […]

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The Imperative of Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector: Addressing Key Pain Points

Introduction In an era where data is the new gold, the financial sector remains a prime target for cybercriminals. With the increasing digitisation of financial services, cybersecurity is not just an IT issue but a core business concern for financial institutions. In this blog, we at Astec aim to shed light on the key pain […]

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What’s Involved In a ‘Pen-Test’?

If you’d like to know what a ‘Pen Test’ is and the sorts of things you can expect from one, this article will give you a helpful overview. Pen Tests  Put simply, pen testing is short for “penetration testing” and in a virtual situation (we’ll concentrate mostly on virtual in this article) acts like a […]

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New Deadline To Remove Huawei

Following the UK government’s decision back in June 2020 to remove all Huawei Equipment From 5G Network Cores, the deadline has now been pushed back to December 2023.  Why Remove Huawei Equipment?  The decision to remove the equipment in the UK dates back to the Trump era in the US, however worries about national security […]

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The Impact of AI: Revolutionizing Industries and Changing Lives

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has become a buzzword in recent years. It is a rapidly growing field of computer science that involves creating machines and algorithms that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. With its potential to revolutionize industries and change our lives, AI is becoming increasingly […]

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Malware | What Are the Different Types of Malware?

In recent years, malicious software, or malware, has persistently been causing widespread destructions throughout the UK. Not only businesses are being affected by cybercrime, but in 2017 the National Health Service was hit by the so-called WannaCry ransomware attack, which led to delays in medical procedures and an inability to accept new patients in different […]

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Insider Attacks | What Are Insider Attacks and How to Prevent Them

Many business owners are not expecting insider attacks, as they believe most cyber threats stem from hackers or cyber criminals trying to access sensitive data from outside the business. Instead, however, a growing number of threats is coming from within your business causing major breaches and being a danger to the cybersecurity of your organisation.  […]

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Cybersecurity | Reasons Why SMEs Need to Prioritise Cyber Security in 2021

With 2020 having been a tough year for UK SMEs, business owners need to be especially careful about cybersecurity. With the sudden emergence of Covid-19, a lot of businesses were forced to change the way they conduct their everyday working schedule. Unfortunately, this movement created new opportunities for cybercriminals to take advantage of the challenging […]

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Ransomware | How to Build Protection from Ransomware

Ransomware can be described as a particularly malicious form of hacking, where a file is downloaded onto a company computer. This file then denies all access to the data therein. Hackers hold that data to ransom, offering to only unlock and give access back, once a sum of money is paid. This type of hacking […]

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